The effect of governmental expenditures on the total economy varies with both the level of utilization of labor and capital in the economy at the time of the expenditure, and the segment of the economy which receives the expenditure.
The effect of governmental expenditures on the total economy varies with both the level of utilization of labor and capital in the economy at the time of the expenditure, and the segment of the economy which receives the expenditure. If the economy as a whole or the segment of the economy which is the focus of the expenditure is operating at capacity or close to capacity, then the expenditure’s major effects will tend to be inflationary, and will not generate much employment of capital and labor. If the economy or sector is operating at much less than full employment, the expenditure will produce a genuine (non-inflationary) rise in the GNP.
A true measure of the effect of governmental increase in the amount of money made available, then, is not the simple dollar value of the initial injection but the cumulative effect of this injection through spending and re-spending. In the optimum case the initial expansion of income flow could be great enough to produce tax revenues in excess of the original "deficit spending" or the "tax cut", so that deficits are not only smaller than the increased GNP but are recouped. In Keynesian economics the fundamental point of government policy clearly is not budget-balancing but spending in the event of unused productive capacity and unemployment. Spending increases productivity. This productivity resulting from federal spending has overwhelmed the older economic myths of the balanced budget where government is conceived of as just another business firm.
1. The effect of governmental expenditures on the total economy varies with both the level of utilization of labor and capital in the economy at the time of the expenditure, and the segment of the economy which receives the expenditure.
对于英语长句,原则上应该进行断句处理。断句时,应注意英语动作名词以及动词的标记作用。本句一般情况下可以分成三句处理。The effect of governmental expenditures on the total economy:政府支出对整个经济产生影响。varies with both:这种影响受制于以下两大因素。the level of utilization of labor and capital in the economy at the time of the expenditure, and the segment of the economy which receives the expenditure:第一,政府开支之时劳动力和资本的利用情况;第二,接受开支的经济部分。加上“第一”、“第二”使中文译文更加具有条理性。翻译具有某种体裁特征的文章,也就是genre,译者有必要对译文用词构句作适当的调整,以符合中文此类文章的口吻。在参考答案中,本句,乃至全文的翻译都经过了一定程度的细微调整或者说“改写”。
定语从句分为限制性定语从句和非限制性定语从句两种。非限制性定语从句一般可单独译成独立的中文句子;限制性定语从句则需根据具体情况加以处理。which receives the expenditure作为限制性定语从句修饰the segment of the economy,与先行词关系密切,不宜译成独立的中文句子。
2. If the economy or sector is operating at much less than full employment, the expenditure will produce a genuine (non-inflationary) rise in the GNP.
词的准确意思存在于上下文之中。这个断言在这里得到了充分的证实。许多考生误以为这里的employment与上句中的employment同义。实际上,上句中的employment是“利用”的意思,而本句中的employment则与is operating at capacity or close to capacity中的capacity相当,可译为“发挥(效能)”。这种利用上下文“引申”、“猜测”词义的能力在阅读翻译英美原版文章时尤为重要。
3. A true measure of the effect of governmental increase in the amount of money made available, then, is not the simple dollar value of the initial injection but the cumulative effect of this injection through spending and re-spending.